Iraq Trip (27 July to 6 Sep)
Please be in prayer as Eric and Karla prepare to travel to Northern Iraq for their ninth trip there since Eric retired in November 2019. God has blessed Sojourners United with official NGO status in northern Iraq, and this trip will be a mix of both important administrative elements as well as ministry outreaches.
Eric will be in Iraq 27 July to 6 September. He will be pivoting through Washington DC prior to leaving, and then heading up to New York State after his return.
Karla will be in Iraq 15 August to 29 August.

Specific Prayer Requests include:
- That Eric would complete administrative paperwork to renew our NGO status and find favor with authorities.
- Both resident visas would be renewed for another year.
- Wisdom on base lease renewal for another year. Pray that rent doesn't increase.
- Ability to properly submit all the reports required for donated medical supplies.
- Continued development of relationships and partnerships that would allow the House of Hope base and discipling center to advance in a complex environment.
- Favor with police to allow a persecuted believer to stay at our base house. This is difficult because Arab men are not liked by the Kurds and perceived as terrorists. He wants to host Bible studies at our base with other young Arabs who have become followers. Great favor is needed.
- Protection for these new believers. 8-10 want to be baptized.
- Ability to get one mother and two daughters out of of Iraq due to family members trying to kill them. If it is the Lord's will for them to leave. Know which consulates to visit and apply for.
- Ability to communicate what we are learning that will motivate others onto love and good deeds, as the day draws near.
- God would establish His work for us during our time there.
- Hold Eric's family up in prayer: his Dad is on Hospice care in NY State.
- Wisdom to know whether to go back to Ukraine in October to November. Also wisdom on what vehicle(s) to get, such as an all-terrain ambulance, that would position SU Iraq to respond to future crises locally and regionally.
Please unite with us in prayer. Pass this on to other believers. Give through our non-profit as God leads you.
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