Readying for Ukraine

We are deeply concerned about the welfare of the Ukrainian people. Please join us in praying for and helping them.
We have connections with Christian medical aid groups and churches, both along the border of Romania and inside Ukraine. There is a need for trauma medical supplies and medications.

We desire to drive a vehicle with gear in scarce supply from Iraq to a Romanian Medical Clinic and inside Ukraine. Since Iraq has experienced severe ISIS attacks, there is a relative abundance of trauma gear here. Our focus would be on training church contacts and doctors in the Ukraine how to stop bleeding and save lives. We also desire to stabilize and transport casualties near point of contact to field hospitals. Such assistance is in great demand presently.
We have obtained over $1,000 of medical trauma gear and have an established network for obtaining more as funds become available. Now our greatest need is a vehicle for travel to Romania and the Ukraine. We know firsthand the value of having an all-terrain vehicle here in Iraq having borrowed a Free Burma Ranger's ambulance several times. It would enable us to travel to Ukraine, as well as position us for future missions in this region as God opens doors. Such a vehicle costs between 50,000 to 85,000 dollars used.
Please pray for us and donate if God places it on your heart to contribute to this need. Unless God builds the house, we labor in vain!.
We have some field medical for Ukraine. Now we need a vehicle similar to FBR's.